GRESB publishes 2013 Report and Survey results

Sustainable Real Estate

GRESB announced the release of its 2013 Report, which is based on sustainability data gathered from 543 property companies and funds, providing aggregate information on 49,000 properties across the globe. The Report shows that the real estate sector is significantly reducing its environmental impact, decreasing energy consumption by 4.8 percent over the 2011-2012 period ­ equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 163,000 homes. Over the same period, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 2.5 percent, and water consumption decreased by 1.2 percent.

The GRESB Report demonstrates a clear and upward trend in sustainability performance of the global real estate industry. In 2013, 119 property companies and funds achieved the ³Green Star² status, recognition for outstanding management and implementation of key sustainability issues. Australia continues to demonstrate global leadership in sustainability performance as the top-performing region in the GRESB Survey, whereas performance differences between Asia, Europe, and North America are becoming smaller.

Nils Kok, co-founder and director with Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), joined for a video interview at NAREIT’s headquarters in Washington.
Click here to watch the video.



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