Martijn Stroom
Behavioral Scientist and Post-doctoral Researcher - Maastricht University
[email protected] | |
Homepage | https://www.martijnstroom.com/ |
https://twitter.com/M_Stroom | |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/martijnstroom/ |
Martijn Stroom is a behavioral economist in the Real Estate Group and Post-doctoral Researcher at the School of Business and Economics, Department of Finance. In his research, he continuously explores the behavioral side of financial or real estate problems, policy, and human performance. Across multiple topics, he zeros in on the same recurring theme: investigating the inaccuracy of human judgment, factors that unconsciously influence resulting decisions, and the unawareness of that influence.
Exploring behavioral real estate, he has focused on the effect of the indoor environment on heuristics, WFH productivity, and cognitive performance. Currently, Martijn applies behavioral insights on projects involving climate risk assessment in the Dutch real estate market. Moreover, he explores the value and valuation of the social part of ESG in the real estate domain.
Outside of real estate, he has investigated the behavioral response to the COVID-19 recommendations to avoid busy places. Moreover, Martijn leads an exploratory investigation to assess the human ability to assess risk in networks.
Martijn obtained a Ph.D. from Maastricht University. He holds degrees in Education, Psychology, and Behavioral Economics as well as additional training in (Sustainable) Finance, Marketing, and Econometrics. Beyond 20+ thesis supervisions, he teaches Behavioral Finance on graduate level at Maastricht University.
Selection of Public Engagements:
Het Parool - De (gas)prijs van thuiswerken is te hoog voor werknemer én maatschappij (07-11-2022)
NRC Handelsblad - Ambitieuze bouwambities. Maar zijn ze ook haalbaar? (13-10-2022)
Vrij Nederland - Klimaatverandering en de woningmarkt: een huis onder water (01-04-2022)
NU.nl - Huizenkopers kijken niet naar klimaatrisico's: 'Een nieuw label kan helpen' (01-12-2021)
NRC Handelsblad - Verplicht huizenlabel over risico bij overstroming (03-08-2021)