Piet Eichholtz
Professor of Real Estate Finance - Maastricht University
[email protected] | |
Homepage | https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/nl/p.eichholtz |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/piet-eichholtz-4abb96a8/ | |
Phone | +31 (0)43 3883838 |
Piet Eichholtz is Professor of Finance and Real Estate. He is currently also a member of the Housing Market Scenario Committee of BPD, and the Investment Committees of the Dutch Construction Workers’ Pension Fund and the Elisabeth Strouven Foundation. As entrepreneur he started Global Property Research, an international consultancy firm specializing in property companies. Subsequently, he co-founded Finance Ideas, a financial consultancy company specialized in financing structures for real estate owners in the semi-public realm, and GRESB, the Global Real Estate Securities Benchmark. Most of his academic research involves real estate markets, with a focus on international investment, portfolio management, property companies, and housing markets.
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The London Commercial Property Price Index
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Environmental Performance: A Global View on Commercial Real Estate
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REIT Performance: Does Managerial Specialization Pay?
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Going International; Liquidity and Pricing in the Largest Interational Markets
Introducing A New Global Real Estate Securities Index: The GPR 250 Index
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